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Find exactly what you need to improve your health, injuries, or performance! These services help to support each aspect of your health as you see fit.
Exercise can help prevent and manage more than 25 physical and mental chronic conditions.
Exercise helps prevent and manage common conditions like depression, anxiety, diabetes, heart conditions and chronic pain.
Exercise can help prevent and recover from injuries like musculoskeletal disorders
Health coaching from a professional, like a Kinesiologist, can improve factors like activity levels, weight management, self-efficacy, blood sugar, blood pressure and more.
Canadians are more likely to stick to their treatment program with the guidance of a Kinesiologist.
A Kinesiologist provides accountable, clinically grounded care that does more for your health than just a walk in the park or a gym membership.
(Ontario Kinesiology Association. (n.d.). The Kinesiology Movement & Extended Health Benefits. OKA. Retrieved October 30, 2022, from https://oka.on.ca/site/advocacy/ehb?nav=sidebar
What makes Kinesiology so powerful?))

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Etobicoke/Toronto Locations Available